The Greatest Secret Walk & Yoga Formby 2021
Pop Up Covid friendly outdoor event for autumn/winter 2021/22
WHEN : TUESDAY 10.30am -MEETING STARTS @ entrance to the woods/beach to the right of St Lukes Church, Church Lane.
HOW MUCH : £5 per event
WHAT YOU NEED : Warm and waterproof clothing and decent shoes to walk in the woods or on the beach. Access to the Audible app….and the time to listen to it.
WHATS IT ALL ABOUT : ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne was first released in 2006, bringing to the mainstream the concious abilitly we have to create our own reality. ‘The Greatest Secret’ was released recently in 2020 and dives deeper into how to reset our thoughts to focus on what we want and how to start manifesting creatively and achieving our full potential. This is a weekly event where we will take a gentle walk and talk about the different chapters of this book, to encourage and inspire each other. At a suitable spot we will stop and do some Yoga breathing techniques and some simple standing poses to help bring ourselves into alignment with this truth. You can join a group when it suits you, be welcome, just let me know that you are planning to join please so that we will wait for you to arrive. All you need to do is download the book for free on Audible and start listening.
: Intro to the Greatest Secret….whats it all about ?!!
: Freedom from the mind….its time to wake up.
: The power of feelings & how to raise your energy.
: No more suffering & limiting beliefs
: Everlasting Happiness….how great would that be !
THE WEATHER….in the event of bad weather the event will be moved to another day that suits the majority of the group or postponed until the following week.
Personally these books have bought about a change in me that continues to develop all the time. I am in no way saying that I hold the key to your wellbeing, only you have that ability.
These events are aimed only to inspire you to something new in your life, there is at the end of the day only one person who can find a new way and that is you. By bringing a group of like minded people together to discuss and help each other consciously create our own reality in these challenging times, could help you begin a new journey.
You are welcome at all or any of these meetings. Looking forward to meeting you soon, in the meantime…..
Read or listen to the books on the Audible app, and find the Secret movie on Netflix to find out more.