Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions

Teaching adults since 2002 and babies-teenagers since 2007.

Yoga is great for everyone, just find the type of class suitable for you, and then check what you need to think about for a class at the bottom of the page.


Senior Yoga Classes

This is the age for freedom and conscious continued mobility, come and feel years younger!
In most yoga classes there is a lot of time sat on the floor, but as you increase in age and potentially decrease in flexibility, it may not be comfortable to sit on the floor for long periods.
So, I would like to welcome you to a ‘Lets not sit on the floor too much Yoga class’.

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This is a class is taught with a healthy dose of laughter to increase our happy hormones, as you discover your can enjoy gentle stretching, strengthening, breathing and relaxing exercises all designed to stretch out and maintain your ever changing self at your own pace. These classes are a friendly, warm and welcoming place to be where your own personal needs will be addressed, and you will learn new techniques to manage any physical limitations you may have, in an encouraging and non competitive environment. These classes take place in a lovely garden studio in Formby, with separate classes for Men & Ladies available.

See this link for an article about starting yoga in senior years :

Pre-School Yoga (2-4s) & Nursery Classes

Yoga classes for this age group is delightful, as the kids enjoy the benefits of developing new skills in a non competitive environment. Mums, Dads or other carers participation is still a key part of the learning and fun here as the children will naturally copy the adults.

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Not only your child, but you, will benefit from the exposure to the Yoga asanas (postures) that we do too.
The aim here is to teach a fun class, that will stimulate the kids with a mixture of adventures that incorporate the Yoga positions, including songs, and some partner yoga positions , all of which you will often find the children naturally repeating at home.
The benefits of yoga for this age group include:
Fewer tantrums – Better sleep – Increased body awareness & Confidence – Better listening skills – Improved physical development.

kids yoga
Kids Yoga (Primary School-Infants & Juniors)

Children at this age are learning to move their bodies in coordinated and active ways, and are energetic and enthusiastic to say the least. This class offers the children a fun environment to enjoy a non competitive exercise class.

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This develops their confidence physically and mentally.
We work with exercises to encourage proper breathing, stretching, developing strength & balance, coordination, and to teach the children how to let go and just relax. Unlike adult classes this is rarely a quiet class though as the children are free to explore the postures themselves or in groups, and even get creative and make their own up if they like. All wrapped up with a healthy dose of fun and games you should soon find your child teaching you positions at home too

youth-yoga new
Youth Yoga (High School & 6th Form: 11-18)

Young peoples yoga classes are run in a similar way to the adult classes, only we work with more positions and often more challenging ones that stimulate and suit the activity level of the group. This is the age of big change, when bodies are growing so fast it is hard to keep up with where arms, legs and thoughts are!!

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Regular Yoga class at this time is an opportunity to develop good posture, good exercising habits and lots of confidence. We talk about the benefits of proper exercise, proper relaxation, proper breathing, proper eating, and the benefits of positive thinking and meditation, as well as enjoying the physical challenges of Yoga

yoga for special needs
Yoga for Special Needs

NEW for 2020 : With 18 years of teaching experience for all levels of skills and ages, new for this year is the development of classes for Autism, Downs and other physical/mentally challenged children and young adults.

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These classes are well structured with visual boards to reduce participation anxiety for those with spectrum challenges, and are beneficial in encouraging students to discover their full potential in a non competitive environment.
Yoga is beneficial on so many levels for everyone and it is my desire to spread the joy that Yoga practice can bring to all members of society.

WHEELCHAIR YOGA : Through my own personal experience and knowledge of spinal injuries, I have developed classes and poses that are accessible and of great benefit for those in need of being motivated to stretch, strengthen, improve confidence and reduce spasm issues. Please do contact me to arrange classes.

The above classes are presently being taught in the Formby/Merseyside area, and the below classes reflect the types of classes that I have taught since 2002 and that can be available either privately or for any new groups you would like to propose.

sivinanda YOGA
Sivinanda Yoga Open Class

This is a general class which people of all levels can join in. Working together with all levels requires each student to practice the postures without ego or competitiveness. There are many levels within 1 posture to suit beginners and advanced alike, and so each student will be guided to find their own level and to be content with it. The work is in developing your own personal strength.

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These classes will be following the Sivananda Yoga class each week which works around 12 basic postures. This will enable you to develop knowledge and confidence in the positions at your own level, and to watch your ability improve over the weeks.

You will find this a very comprehensive Yoga class that will stretch, strengthen and improve all aspects of the mind and of the body.

gentle recovery yoga
Gentle/Recovery Yoga

Within this class there can be an assortment of people with different needs, and the class will be taught to reflect these needs, with concentration on relaxation, breathing and joint mobility.

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This class is suitable for;
– Pregnant ladies (after 3 months)
– Postnatal ladies when returning to exercise (6 weeks plus from birth)
– People recovering from illness or accidents
– Over 60’s who wish to start exercising again to improve mobility
– Under 60’s who need gentle encouragement into conscious exercise

Yoga Nidra-Total Relaxation

Yoga Nidra classes are a perfect way to unwind , de-stress, aid with sleep issues, assist with pain management, or just generally take time out from your daily life and boost your energy levels.

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For half an hour you get to lie down and let go with the aid of some simple preparation positions, a guided relaxation , some props to support your body, and lavender eye bags if you choose.
Experience the change that this simple practice can make in your life!
​Book this as a one off experience for a group, or find these techniques being taught within the Self Improvement & De-stressing Workshops.

Pregnancy Yoga

For all ladies after the first 3 months of pregnancy until birth.
In this class the focus of the yoga positions becomes about breathing, relaxation, concentration and stretching to encourage space and well being in the constantly changing body during all the stages of the pregnancy.

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There is also the chance to meet other ladies and share experiences as each pregnancy develops, and to talk about birthing options and key positions that will be of help during labour.
Please note as class numbers naturally rise and fall, these classes are not constantly in the schedule. A minimum of 5 ladies are required to run these classes in Formby, or there can be an opportunity to join one of the more gentle classes where I can take good care of your needs. Please do contact me for more info.

Mums & Baby Yoga

After your babies are born this is a great way to socialize, develop confidence and to stimulate not only the babies but you as a new mother too. This kind of class, whilst focusing on the babies, is also a chance to look and work with your own altered body.

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It is of course a busier class atmosphere as mothers and babies respond to their own needs in class. The point is to allow you and your baby the freedom to sleep (babies only please !), drink or move freely around in a safe environment where we can encourage movement and awareness for us all.
These classes include Baby massage techniques.

Mother & Toddler Yoga (Walking-Talking!)

Within this class there can be an assortment of people with different needs, and the class will be taught to reflect these needs, with concentration on relaxation, breathing and joint mobility.

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This class is suitable for;
-Pregnant ladies (after 3 months)
-Postnatal ladies when returning to exercise (6 weeks plus from birth)
-People recovering from illness or accidents
-Over 60’s who wish to start exercising again to improve mobility
-Under 60’s who need gentle encouragement into conscious exercise

Gentle Chair Yoga

Gentle Chair Yoga, for ladies and gents who would rather not sit down on the floor, and would like to benefit from the simple stretching, and breathing exercises, that Yoga has to offer.

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This class will suit those of you wanting to join in with some gentle exercising, and if you are recovering from an accident or illnesses. You can expect to feel refreshed, relaxed and rejuvinated after this class as we explore good breathing techniques, gentle stretching and strengthening of the whole body, balance and proper relaxation techniques. You will find these simple exercises will begin to improve your posture and physical capabilities in your everyday life. At present there is no specific chair Yoga class, however the Gentle/recovery class can accommodate anyone wishing to stay off the floor.

Click this link to see the kind of things you can expect in a class.

Workshops for Back Health or Stress & Sleep Improvement

Book your group or business a one off or a 4 week block of classes to delve deeper into these specific issues and give everyone an insight as to what they can do to help manage their own issues.

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BACK HEALTH – With back problems affecting more than 80% of the western population at some point in their lives and being accountable for a significant amount of time needed away from the work place, there are some great tools for managing or preventing problems that regularly occur that can be learned from a workshop of this nature. Learn easy techniques to alleviate discomfort and to help prevent issues that flare up. Everyone working daily at a desk should know how to manage the signs and how they can make easy changes to improve posture and wellbeing.

STRESS/SLEEP IMPROVEMENT – Stresses at work, school or home can effect how we are able to process and engage in everything around us. Very often these issues will then affect sleep, and you can find yourself caught in a cycle of tiredness and stress. Sound familiar ? Learn some simple yoga poses coupled with breathing & relaxation tools that can help change your mindset and change spiralling patterns in a positive way.

pain management
Pain Management

Yogis believe that pain is in the mind……sharp pain is a warning of something that you need to look at, but long term pain is not necessary!! Good news yes ….but how can we do this?!!

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Here you will find a small selection of meditations and videos to help you connect mind and body to take you on a journey to beat pain from the inside out… have nothing to loose, so check them out and see how it can help. Join a class to discover other techniques too.

Chronic Pain Management meditation    
Guided Meditation-Relieve Physical pain

What do you need for a Yoga class ?! 

Until you have decided that Yoga is the excercise for the rest of your life, there are always basic quality yoga mats available at classes for you to use. Please bring blankets in the winter for the final relaxation. Wear something that is totally comfortable for you to be sat on the floor in. No shoes required.

– It is wise not to eat at least 1-2hours before class starts, as positions are stimulating your internal organs which can be unconfortable with food in there. A fruit shake or power shake would be a great idea if you are worried about being too hungry.

– Please do ask your doctor before you begin Yoga classes if you are not sure that you should be exercising, and be sure to let us know if you have any health problems that we should know about, so we can be of help. (All information is confidential)

– Always work at your own level and ability in class for your own safety, Yoga is non competitive.

– Yoga asanas (postures/positions) can sometimes be uncomfortable mentally and physically, however it should never be painful. Learning to relax well at the end of each class will also prevent muscle ache the next day, and improve sleep quality. The benefits over time will be very apparent.

Yoga UK


Yoga Styles

When & Where


“Belonging to the “Advanced” Yoga Class for the past six years has been an uplifting experience. Clare structures the sessions to address the needs of those of us if an “advanced age”!

It has without doubt improved my posture, balance and sleep pattern – therapeutic for both mind and body.

This has continued via Zoom over the past challenging lock down months.

Thank you 🙏Clare” 


Formby 2020

It has been a joy to join Clare either in the UK or zooming to Rhodes. I am creaking as I age but she varies the excercises and her lessons are never boring. She was a bright light in the dark days of lockdown. 


Formby 2021

Contact Us


Clare Lee

+44 (0)7743 783639


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